πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§Membership NFTs

A total of 1,000 membership NFTs will be available, and these can be acquired using RLL tokens. It's important to note that a significant portion of the RLL tokens used to obtain membership NFTs will be permanently removed from circulation, with the goal of burning approximately 58% of the total RLL supply.

These membership NFTs come in four different rarities, each with its own point value:

  • Common (70% of NFTs)

  • Rare (20% of NFTs)

  • Epic (9% of NFTs)

  • Legendary (1% of NFTs)

Once 500 NFTs have been minted, a staking system will be activated. This system will allocate rewards based on the points associated with your NFTs, and you'll receive a portion of the earnings generated.

Out of the RLL tokens obtained from NFT sales, 500,000 RLL tokens will not be burned. Instead, approximately 340 tokens will be emitted daily over a span of four years. 5% of the NFTs (50 NFTs) will be retained by the project team.

Moreover, holders of Membership NFTs will be entitled to the following benefits:

  • 10% of royalty income for Membership NFT sales on secondary markets.

  • 10% of yield from ETH deposits.

  • 10% of the yield from ETH treasury.

Membership Price Mechanism

The starting price for a Membership NFT is 5,000 RLL for the initial batch of 50 NFTs. Subsequently, the price will rise by 200 RLL for every additional 50 NFTs sold.

Last updated